Welcome to The Future
The future is here now. I AM/YOU ARE creating it now! Are you tired of waiting for something to happen?
Then it is time to take action – NOW – to take action and turn the “dream” into “reality” and create the life you are want. Love and joy are your natural state and you can return to being natural. It is time to get back to nature in a whole(istic) way.
Come join me, on the Edge as I help you explore who you are, and where you are on your spiritual path in relations to your purpose.
We provide classes, seminars and one on one counseling to get you where you want to be.
Here are also more spiritual awakening resources here to help guide you in the right direction.
Thanks for visiting my site!
We have all been noticing frequent rips in the fabric of our stability.
They are scary and we want to fix the rip so that things feel stable and we feel more comfortable. This is exactly the WRONG thing to do. The rip is an invitation to walk through into a new reality/creation. Yes .it is scary – so what?
Think about walking. You are standing balanced and stable. How do you take a step? The first thing you do is decide to move. Then you UNBALANCE. You destroy the stabiliy and you take a step. There are lots of points to estblish a new stability. You can do it with one foot forward, or you can move the other foot forward an equal amount, or you can continue to move forward. A constant process of destabilize and restabilize.
It only becomes really scary when the Universe does the destabilizing before we are “ready”. Let’s change the point of view – a rip in the fabric of stability is an invitation to move through it into something new.
love and blessings