There is Always More
Beloved Friends on the Journey,
First of all, just to be clear, I’m not going anywhere.
For the last six months, my major task has been closing out the business that I have been working for the last eleven years. It was more complex than I thought and took much longer.
Finally, it is done.
One thing I learned is that we had to let the State know we were dissolving the business.
This triggered an awareness and a process for me.
Twenty + years ago, the business was formed for a purpose and that purpose came to an end.
My being was formed for a purpose (a few more than 20+ years ago ).
When formed, there was a structure, a plan, and some operating principles that were put in place.
The purpose, structure, plan, and operating rules changed over time (same for my life).
There came a time when the purpose, structure, and plan no longer fit.
So, we wrapped up the business and cleaned out the cupboards
(wow, we found that needed to be cleaned up). Coincidentally, that is what I have been doing also!
Lastly, on Friday, we told the state that, while there are some final details to wrap up, we are dissolving
the organization and applying the resources elsewhere.
That is what I am doing here.
Statement of Dissolution
Whereas, on May 1, 1945, an entity known as Carmen Louis Iacino II was created for the purpose to experience life on the 3D plane, resolving all remaining karmic issues, participating in the long-term project known as Heavens Cross, and awaking to the realization of all who he really is,
And, whereas those purposes are declared complete.
Now, Therefore: the 3D entity known as stated above, is hereby dissolved.
The resources are hereby reassigned to living as an Embodied Master in full awareness and active participation in living the remainder of his life in the joy and abundance that is his true birthright, fully shining his light and celebrating with you, my Beloved Friends.
Attested to this 1st day of July 2023 and duly filed with the Universe.
He, Who . . . (to be determined )
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